Apparently, study should not only includes writing, listening, and memorizing, but also criticizing and understanding. The topic of canceling field trips or not is under highly discussion. From my prospective, Field trips are a good way for students to have fun while learning. So the school shouldn't cancel all the field trips, but instead, the school should provide students with more opportunity to travel around.
There are many reasons for having field trips. The importance of field trips is noticeable.
To start with, field trips are the enlightenment of students' thinking. When students have field trips in class, they always go to places like museums, aquariums, famous places. These locations people go would help them to have a better understanding of what they learn. For instance, there was a field trip in biology class last year, and the teacher lead students to a physics classroom to interpret the life in the universe. At first, students were very confused about the formation of the earth and how the prokaryotic cell develops into eukaryotic cells. After going to the physics classroom, students had a better understanding of this evolution of cells. The field trip technically enlightened students and gave them a wonderful interpretation. Therefore, field trips are vey necessary for students' learning process and the school shouldn't cancel them out.
Besides that, field trips can speeds up the efficiency of studying. What I meant by that is that students will have better mood to start learning after relaxation. Students should always try to balance their time of having fun and studying, because long time under high pressure will lead the efficiency of learning. There was another example for that: in Cheshire Academy, some students were taken by their teacher to Cheshire Coffee, and they had fun drinking coffee, even talking about their questions in class. That's a win-win achievements; they learn things while relaxing. According to the research, people who know how to have fun are more efficiency in studying than those who study every day continuously. as a result, students are beneficial from field trips, and field trips literally accelerate the efficiency for studying.
Last but not the least, field trips don't cost a large amount of money. And the school won't spend much on these. To be more specific, students usually go to café, museums, and places of interest, which wouldn't cost much money for schools. Approximately 10 dollars for each person, and even less. So, the saying of cost a huge amount of money doesn't make any sense. Many of the public places don't even charge fee on people since they are open to the public such as the public library. The transportation won't take them much money neither, because people mostly walk. They have to stay near the school they need time to get back and to be prepared for the next class. Hence, the school shouldn't cancel all the field trips to save money because the trips won't even cost them much.
In general, field trips are beneficial for students and they could be the motives of students studying hard. They make the students relax and have fun. Field trips are only good for students and don't have drawbacks. Thus, school shouldn't cancel all the field trips but encourages to have more.
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